How To Use This Guide:
Listen to the weekly sermon and read through the main passages(s)
Prayerfully answer the questions below
Meet with your group to discuss
Apply the truth of God’s word to your life
How To Use This Guide:
Listen to the weekly sermon and read through the main passages(s)
Prayerfully answer the questions below
Meet with your group to discuss
Apply the truth of God’s word to your life
latest message:
In Romans 5:6–11, we are confronted with the depth of our need and the incredible wonder of God’s love. Paul shows us how honestly facing our sin is the first step toward experiencing God’s grace. As we reflect on the beauty of the gospel, it's crucial to acknowledge both the sobering reality of our guilt and the glorious assurance that Jesus satisfies God’s righteous requirements on our behalf.
Even in our helpless and sinful state, God shows His deep love by sending Christ to die for us. Ultimately, we aren't loved because we are lovable; we are loved because Christ’s very nature is love. While we might feel overwhelmed by our shortcomings, Christ’s sacrifice is so much greater. The gospel not only sets us free from God’s wrath but also invites us into a life filled with joy, trust, and hope.
Even in our helpless and sinful state, God shows His deep love by sending Christ to die for us. Ultimately, we aren't loved because we are lovable; we are loved because Christ’s very nature is love. While we might feel overwhelmed by our shortcomings, Christ’s sacrifice is so much greater. The gospel not only sets us free from God’s wrath but also invites us into a life filled with joy, trust, and hope.
1. Have you ever found yourself trying to fix something in your life through sheer willpower? How did that turn out for you?
2. Read Romans 5:6–11. According to this passage, what makes Jesus’ sacrifice for sinners so remarkable? What does it reveal about the heart of God?
3. In verse 6, Paul describes our condition apart from Christ as “weak” and “ungodly.” Why does he use such strong language? What do these terms reveal about our ability (or inability) to save ourselves?
4. How does grasping the seriousness of our sins lead us to “rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (v.11)? What risks come with minimizing the reality of sin?
3. In verse 6, Paul describes our condition apart from Christ as “weak” and “ungodly.” Why does he use such strong language? What do these terms reveal about our ability (or inability) to save ourselves?
4. How does grasping the seriousness of our sins lead us to “rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (v.11)? What risks come with minimizing the reality of sin?
5. What feelings arise when you reflect on Paul’s description of our sinful condition apart from the work of Jesus? How can considering the severity of sin deepen your appreciation for the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice?
6. Do you struggle to accept that God’s love isn’t based on your worth or actions? Elaborate on your answer. How do Paul’s words here influence your understanding of God’s unconditional love?
7. How can you intentionally foster gratitude considering what Jesus’s sacrifice has done for you? What practical steps can help you remember God’s grace in your daily life?
6. Do you struggle to accept that God’s love isn’t based on your worth or actions? Elaborate on your answer. How do Paul’s words here influence your understanding of God’s unconditional love?
7. How can you intentionally foster gratitude considering what Jesus’s sacrifice has done for you? What practical steps can help you remember God’s grace in your daily life?
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