Women's spring bible studies

Fellowship Women's Bible Studies are selected to meet you where you are in your spiritual journey. We have provided categories to help you choose the studies that are right for you. Remember to start everything with the destination in mind. Our collective purpose is to go and make disciples. Just as with the original twelve, growing in intimacy with Christ is meant for our good but his glory. As you review study options, consider this pathway for growing in your knowledge of the Word, deepening your relationship with the Lord, and walking out the path of discipleship. Registration will be available starting July 28.




You don't have to be a new believer to start here. Understanding the gospel and the greater narrative of scripture is foundational for every believer. We never move past the gospel because it is the lens through which we understand a compelling relationship with God.
In View of God’s Mercies by Courtney Doctor ($20)
Wednesday am - 9:30 am - 11:00 am (Kalee Stedman)
Wednesday pm - 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm (Kim Mayer)
August 14th (10 Weeks)

Cost - $20
The gospel doesn’t just change your eternal future; it changes your present reality.
In this 9-session study on the book of Romans, Courtney Doctor will walk you through Paul’s powerful letter to see the glorious grace and transforming work of the gospel. You’ll be overwhelmed with the good news of God’s merciful rescue as you better understand the depth of your need. This life-changing message provides not only hope for eternity, but purpose, joy, and peace for today. And as the good news of the gospel of grace unfolds through Romans, it will compel you to proclaim God’s glorious salvation to all.
A Chronological Study of the Gospels
Thursday am - 9:30-11:00 am (Tracey King)
September 19th (8 Weeks)
Cost - $20

Have you read the gospel accounts side by side, story by story? Join Tracey King in her home for a chronological study of the Gospels. You will read through all four gospels as part of your personal reading and review them systematically weekly together as a means of understanding the life of Jesus and the development of early Christianity.


Being a follower of Christ means growing in gospel literacy. Take time to study individual books and/or concepts and always seek to learn more about the heart of God. What you learn will clarify his redemptive story.
Eras Tour - Chronological Bible Survey
Wednesday pm - 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm (Debbie Currie)
August 14th (14 Weeks)
Cost - $25

Explore the rich tapestry of the biblical narrative with our "Eras Tour" Bible study, where we aim to deepen our understanding of God’s story together. Join our large group gathering every Wednesday night from 6:15 to 8:00 pm in the Worship Center auditorium. No homework required – just bring a friend and come hungry for God’s Word.

Revelation by Jen Wilkin
Tuesday pm - 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm (Karis Murila and Maddie Steele) - OFF CAMPUS
Wednesday am - 9:30 am - 11:00 am (Jessica Sadler)
August 14th (11 Weeks)
Cost - $20

Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as the very last one. The book of Revelation overflows with images and ideas that confound our modern ears. But if all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Why don’t we see it that way?
Two thousand years ago, John’s Revelation was circulated and read aloud among seven churches in Asia Minor. Those who heard the letter understood it and drew encouragement from its message. The same can be true for you today. Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Bible—the culmination of God's great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

2 Corinthians ($20)
Wednesday am - 9:30 am - 11:00 am (Pam Ramsey and Tina Elaqua)
August 14th (9 Weeks)
Cost - $20
Second Corinthians is a book about ministry, various kinds of ministry. But in the midst of ministry, sometimes Christians are burdened beyond strength, despairing of life, having fears within and conflicts without. How do we cope with those things? This book tells us how to be strong in the Lord when accusations and persecutions are directed toward us, how to have confidence in Him and not lose heart, and even how to correct those who are our accusers.

Come Home by Caroline Saunders ($20)
Wednesday pm - 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm
August 14th (8 Weeks)
Cost - $20

We long for home.  
Home should be a place of love and laughter. Shared meals. Special moments. A place of comfort, rest, and safety. Yet the homes we make always seem to fall short of satisfying our longing. They’re imperfect, transitory, and prone to fracture. People leave them. Intruders enter them. Crises shake them. Too often, instead of peace and security, home is a place of brokenness and pain. These failings of our earthly homes expose in us a longing for a better one. The good news is that there is a remedy for our homesickness.   
In this 7-session study, Caroline Saunders follows the theme of home through the Bible. From humanity’s first home to our eternal one, we’ll see God drawing near to abide with us. We’ll find that even the best aspects of home here are just a glimmer of what God is building for us through Christ. This study will affirm that our longing for home is good and purposeful, pointing us to our truest home which is found in Him.


Jesus transforms our lives through a personal relationship with him. Change happens when we allow more of our lives to model his. Look for studies that help you grow and refine spiritual disciplines, like prayer, sabbath, and story work.
Hope Beyond Loss: A Biblical Framework for Processing and Surviving Loss
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Tina Elacqua)
September 10th (10 Weeks)
Barn Conference Room
Cost - $20

Life is hard and Christians are not spared pain, agony, or loss. Hope Beyond Loss is a 10-week
session designed to give sacred space to process heart-breaking events that may look like
infertility, loss of babies and children, divorce, ailing health, financial challenges and loss,
addictions, death of loved ones, and even loss of job/career/ministry. However, do not walk this life alone.  Join Tina Elacqua and other compassionate sisters as they provide support and tangible resources to walk with you through grief and healing grounded in the Hope of Christ.
When you process your loss through a biblical worldview with safe and trusted Christian
women, you will not only persevere, but you will look more like Jesus.


The Kingdom of God is communal. The greatest commandments show us that the church is to operate as an outpost of heaven. Part of growing as believers is practicing what we are learning independently with other believers while building one another up in love.


We should start everything with the destination in mind. Our collective purpose is to go and make disciples. Just as with the original twelve, growing in intimacy with Christ is meant for our good but His glory. Look for studies that prepare you to live out the great commission.
Missions Class - Explore: The World Christian Lifestyle
Wednesday pm - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm  (Lashon Hawks)
September 4th (6 Weeks) 
Worship Center Equipping Room #2
Cost - $20

Discover God’s Word, World & Work Ever wonder – What is the Bible really about? Is God still actively at work? Is my own purpose and life meant as part of something much bigger? This seven-lesson study covers the basics of God's word, world, and work — and provides small-group discussions mixed with true stories and examples for living out Christian lifestyle habits today. Explore will help Learn the main underlying theme that ties the Bible together Explore major religions and peoples of the world – a third of which (three billion) are unreached with no access to the gospel Discover God’s purpose for your praying, mobilizing, welcoming, sending, and going Paperback.


Phase II Discipleship Class
Tuesday pm - 6:30- 8:00 pm (Amy Winstead)
August 13th - September 17th (6 Weeks)
Worship Center Meeting Room
Cost - $20

Phase II Discipleship Training is designed to help deepen the disciple's relationships with others. Over 6 weeks, participants will learn and practice how to develop a ministry of presence. We will take sober self-assessments of how our story and gifts have prepared us for discipleship. We will learn to target the heart in conversation and gain tools to enter into the messiness of life. We will dismantle myths that keep us from discipling and retool ourselves to engage others as Christ engages us. It is recommended you take Discipleship Training Phase I prior to this class.